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study abroad

Maybe you want to teach students at the university level. Maybe you want to do doctoral research in a field you’re passionate about. Many people have the latter reason why they choose to pursue a PhD. Thousands of Indian students go abroad to do their doctoral studies. And there are many reasons why! Countries like the USA, UK, Canada and Germany homes some of the best research-heavy universities. These schools focus a lot on research in different fields, paving way for bigger and significant changes in the world. Their doctoral programs rigorously train students to make a bigger difference with their research efforts.

World-Class Research Facilities

These internationally-recognized universities have world-class research facilities. They have extensive libraries, archives, and equipment. They are better funded; they receive a lot more research grant, which adds to their stellar position. Moreover, overseas you may find more opportunities. For instance, as you start narrowing down your research interests, you will notice the number of universities catering to that interest shrinking. So, your home country might not necessarily have a fitting university that suits your preference as well as other factors as opposed to a country like the USA.

Opportunity to Work with Recognized Faculty

When you’re planning to do doctoral studies, faculty plays just as big of a role in the decision-making. You want to ideally pick a university whose faculty members and previous work has inspired you; whom you admire in the field; whose work in the research area you look up to. Top universities in the world can give you access to such faculty, which is another reason why you might want to study abroad instead of going with a university in your state or country. This has another indirect benefit; it widens your network, which can be very crucial when doing your doctoral research.

A Cost-Effective Option

Also, doing a PhD abroad can be a cost-effective option. Did you know that PHD is fully funded in USA and Germany? In fact, in many countries, PhD students are treated as an employee and they are paid handsomely. So, not only do you get the opportunity to work with the people you look up to and do research on things that you’re passionate about but you also earn a significant sum monthly for that.

Of course, cultural exposure is another reason why students choose to go to different countries for their doctorate. There’s a whole different experience of studying abroad, which impacts students both professionally and personally.

So, there’s more than just one reason why you would want to go to countries like the USA, UK, Canada, and Germany to do your doctoral studies. It’s much more than just about these overseas universities having the best research facilities.

Get the Right Help By Your Side

But that said, just because it’s an appealing option doesn’t mean it’s an easy one. There are challenges you may encounter in getting into a university abroad that you desire. The top universities can have stringent requirements. In such a case, you should have the right help by your side who can assist you with the admission application, as well as other ends of the process. For instance, if you’re finding it confusing to pick a university that suits your research interests and professional aspirations, these experts can help you with that as well. So, do consider contacting a good overseas education consultant.

Direction:- https://g.page/FrameLearning


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